T3/Wheat Genotype Trial description
- Global Durum Wheat Panel- Publication: The Global Durum WheatPanel (GDP): An International Platform to Identify and Exchange Beneficial Alleles
- Methods: Tetraploids
- Filter: MAF-unfiltered
NYS durum GBS
- Protocol: GBS (Poland et al., 2012)
- Methods: Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication
- Debre Zeit - CIMMYT durum
- Genotyping was done in USDA-ARS Eastern Regional Small Grains Genotyping Laboratory in Raleigh, NC
Exome Capture Watkins
- Watkins Core 2017- Raw data: Grassroots Data Repository
- Protocol: Gardiner_et_al_2017_Watkins_exome_capture_SNP
- Publication: Establishing the A. E. Watkins landrace cultivar collection
- Publication: High-density genotyping of the A.E Watkins Collection
Promotor capture KSU 2020
- WheatCAP RegulatoryTGC-GTC 90K
- Tetraploid Wheat Global Collection- Publication: Durum wheat genome highlights past domestication signatures
- Methods: Tetraploids
Exome capture KSU 2014
- 2014_HapMap_WEC- Publication: A haplotype map of allohexaploid wheat reveals distinct patterns of selection on homoeologous genomes
GBS restriction KSU 2014
- 2014_HapMap_GBS (62 diverse wheat lines)- Publication: A haplotype map of allohexaploid wheat reveals distinct patterns of selection on homoeologous genomes
Exome capture HapMap 2019
- 329 USA WheatCAP germplasm
- Publication: Development of the Wheat Practical Haplotype Graph database
- The final dataset after filtering for MAF>5 accessions, includes ~7 million SNPs and short indels detected using GATK
Exome capture Diversity 2019
- 1000 Exomes
- Passport: 1000 exome germplasm
- Publication: Exome sequencing highlights the role of wild-relative introgression in shaping the adaptive landscape of the wheat genome
- Filter: minimum allele count = 2, MAF > 0.002 and missing genotype calls <25%
Exome capture 2017
- 2017_WheatCAPIllumina 90K
Illumina 9K
- Publication: 9K iSelect Breadchip Assay