Welcome to T3/Wheat [CAP]

The WheatCAP instance of T3/Wheat is a repository for public wheat data generated by the Wheat Coordinated Agricultural Project (Wheat CAP). The public instance of T3/Wheat can be found at https://wheat.triticeaetoolbox.org.

Data Usage Policy
The data on this database is shared according to the Toronto agreement. Click here to view the full data usage policy.

If data on The Triticeae Toolbox was relevant to analyses or findings that you publish, please cite:

Nicolas Morales, Jean-Luc Jannink, Clay L. Birkett, David J Waring, Lukas A Mueller, et. al., Breedbase: a digital ecosystem for modern plant breeding, G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 12, Issue 7, July 2022, jkac078, https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkac078

If you have data to publish in our database, please submit the data using wheat-sandbox.

Future Workshops

We're collecing names and emails of those that are interested in attending future T3/Breedbase workshops on various topics such as using Android Field Book, Seedlots, Barcodes, or any other topic you may be interested in learning more about. Fill out the Virual Workshop Interest Form if you may be interested in attending a future workshop. Once we have enough interest in a particular topic, we'll reach out to everyone to schedule a date.


Explore T3/Wheat


To view most of the data on T3/Wheat, you'll first need to create a free account.


If you already have an account, login to get full access.

Use the Quick Search to find an Accession, Trial, Trait, etc by name:

Explore Experiments in the Search Wizard:

You must first log in to view the lists of experiments...

Annual Summary

View tables summarizing the genotype and phenotype data added for each breeding program by calendar year.

   Annual Summary Report

Upload Data


Contributing data to T3/Wheat

  Guided Workflow

Guided Phenotype Upload Workflow: Step-by-step instructions on how to upload phenotype data to T3/Wheat.

  Upload Instructions

Detailed Phenotype Upload Instructions: Instructions and general steps for adding phenotype trial data to T3/Wheat.

  Manage Phenotypic Data

Manage your Phenotypic Data to create spreadsheets for new uploads, add new data, and/or manage your existing uploads.

  Manage Genotyping Projects

Manage your Genotyping Projects to add a new genotyping project, a new genotyping plate, or upload a VCF file.

  Upload Files

Or Upload Files for various other types of data.

Submit Genotype Data


If you have genotype data you would like to submit to T3/Wheat, please use the Genotype Submission Form. This will ask you some questions about the data and then you can upload a VCF file of the data. We'll make sure the file is properly formatted, the correct genotype protocol is used for the data, and add the genotype data to the database.

   Genotype Submission Form

User Guides


New to T3/Wheat?

View the comprehensive Documentation from the Breedbase team to learn about available features or watch the detailed Video Tutorials.

Upload Templates

Blank Upload Templates

Below are blank upload templates for each data type. The 2nd tab of each template includes more instructions.

Sample Templates

Generate a set of sample templates for new accessions, locations, trials, and trait observations. These templates contain all new data in properly formatted templates that can be used to practice uploading each data type to the sandbox.

Example Templates

Below are example templates generated for demo wheat trials from a 2020 workshop. You can use these files to see how the templates are properly formatted.

For more detailed instructions, see the Detailed Phenotype Upload Instructions

T3/Wheat is open source software and available under the MIT License and may be downloaded from GitHub.